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Have you ever thought about the road your life has gone down? How if you went back and changed one simple thing you would be in a completely different life all together.

Let me introduce you to May Young.

Working as a shot girl in a local bar, May has seen her share of bumps and bruises. The snapped finger, black eyes, and broken ribs alone would be enough to make any other girl quit, but after a serious incident happens in May’s life that completely changes the way she lives her life, May decides it is time for her to take charge. With the help of her best friend Paul, May ensures she will never have to be a victim again.
Two years later, May still tries to come to terms with the night that changed her life forever. With a successful business that takes both her and Paul around their state, May has found a way to begin dealing with her past, but when her love life begins to get complicated, May finds herself questioning the life she has created for herself.
She never saw Kevin Winston coming. All it took was May calling Kevin a silly name and it was all downhill. When they connected over the computer in passing, it was one thing, but then he pays May a visit. Kevin gets to know May Young, just the woman. Not May Young the glorified, intimidating bouncer that so many men see her as. And as their weekend together carries on, the bond strengthens. But he has to go home. To his home, but not before he gives May everything she was looking for and a soundtrack for their love.
Kevin enters her life by complete and total chance. But how do you put the wall you’ve built around to protect yourself down to allow what could be an amazing part of your life?
Or does the best friend get the girl? Does she turn to him for comfort, only to find that he has been in love with her for years?
When a job takes them across the state to revamp security at a friend’s bar, the surprises and the truth all keep coming, leaving May to figure out what is real, who she wants, how protective she is with who and what she allows in her life and more importantly… who she needs.

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